Organic food is the product of a farming system which avoids the use of man-made fertilizers, pesticides; growth regulators and livestock feed additives.
From an environmental perspective, fertilizing, overproduction, and the use of pesticides in conventional farming may negatively affect ecosystems, biodiversity, groundwater, and drinking water supplies. These environmental and health issues are intended to be minimized or avoided in organic farming.
Kanika Talukdar is a women entrepreneur with diversified Fields of Work experience in Vermiculture and organic farming activities including Bio-Pesticides and Vermi wash products.
When her husband died in an accident, Kanika Talukdar of Tihu area in Nalbari district was rendered totally helpless with her six-month-old daughter. As the financial position of her husband’s family was very poor, she came back to her maternal family after his demise. However, the young woman felt that her old father now had to face an additional burden and so she tried to do something for self-employment. Soon she came in contact with some scientists of Nalbari KVK who asked her to take up a short-term training. The training changed her life as she found a way to set up a vermi-compost unit with a small investment at her home and in a short time the annual income goes up to Rs 7 lakh per annum.
Enterpreneurial Journey
Vermicompost is the product of the decomposition process using various species of worms, usually red wigglers, white worms, and other earthworms, to create a mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and vermicast. This process is called vermicomposting, while the rearing of worms for this purpose is called vermiculture.
In 2014, I attended training on Vermi-compost production technology. It was the first time i came to know about vermi-compost and got very much attracted towards its production. After the training, I started the production of vermi-compost as an enterprise. “As my financial condition was not good, initially she selected that technology which required a comparatively lesser investment. She started the unit utilising organic waste materials and cowdung available in my own house.” and started contributing her knowledge and learning to different communities of various age groups adds Kanika Talukdar.
- Products under Jayatu Organic Products LLP-
• Enriched Vermi compost
• Bio Pesticides (Vermiwash)
• Vermi compost
Experiences and Field Works
I realized Organic farming is call of the hour, and without Vermi-compost and Bio-Pesticides no one can dream of organic agriculture. One of the major challenges of Organic caltivation is control of insect pests and diseases and that can effectively be overcome by use of Vermiwash Bio-Pesticide. As Vermicompost is inevitable for organized market for vermicompost will come up. With less investment and in easy to start utilizing the organic waste materials and cow dung avilable in her own house. And constructed the low cost thanks with locally available materials ( Bamboo) as guided by SMS( Soil Science ) of KVK Nalbari .
With KVK,Nalbari support Front Line Demonstration (FLD) on ‘Vermicompost Production Technology with field and technical support and 1 kg of worm species, Eisenia Foetida. KVK,Nalbari facilitated the the field work linkage with District Agriculture office, Nalbari and she was provided with 4th number of vermibeds from DAO, Nalbari. In the first year I produced 17q and earned Rs-16300/- only and gradually earned Rs -140000/- by selling 150q of vermicompost in the year 2017.In this way production has been increasing gradually year after year adds Kanika Talukdar.
Beside Nalbari, her vermicompost market has been expanded to other districts of Assam like Baska, Goalpara, Chirang, Bongaion,Barpeta,Majuli etc. and demand has been increasing day by day because of its desirable quality. Recently, She started production of Vermi-wash Bio-pesticide and become well known women entrepreneur in the district as well as in the state. It is worth meaning that, she is the only women vermicompost entrepreneur of Assam receiving the licence from Department of Agriculture, GOA for supplying vermi-compost.
The unemployed women and youth of her village are also inspired by her activities and come forward to adopt vermicompost production inspiring by her works Mahima Haloi, Lohit Das, Anjana Haloi,Bina Haloi, Biswajit Haloi , Chakrapani Talukdarand etc. A number of SHGs have also started production of Vermicompst. Her enterprise also serves as a demonstration unit for those who are interested to adopt vermicomposting.
Awards & Participations
- 1. She has successfully completed two months of training in agripreneurship-orientation programme under NITI Aayog at North East Agriculture Technology Entrepreneurs Hub (NEATeHub), AAU-Incubation Centre, Jorhat in October 2019 she has achieved a grant of Rs.5,00,000 /- ( Five Lakh) for entrepreneurship development.
- 2. She was felicitated by the Rotary Club of Guwahati and recently she bagged the Women Entrepreneur Award offered by Asom Sangrami Mancha for her contribution to the society
- 3. She has been invited as a resource person in different training programs on vermi compost production by several organizations and also by AIR Guwahati.
- 4. Conducted training’s on Vermicuture in different places and districts of Assam

Kanika Talukdar
C/O Jayatu Organic Products LLP
Contact No-87239-97073(M)