Our Team

Driven by an inborn talent for entrepreneurship, Our Team conceptualized and founded Inspiring Women, a Web Portal established to encourage and support the endeavors of budding women entrepreneurs to encourage women to share resources, best practices and experiences to inspire more successes.

We are creating collaborative business networks for women planning to expand and conquer new avenues. We aim to strive to create an identity and individuality for women with betterment and livelihood, thereby, creating a positive impact in their lives.

Our team comprising of technical and managerial capabilities has the mission to enhance the culture of entrepreneurship among Indian women of Assam and North East India in business through networking, sharing information and experiences to support & inspire each other to create successful businesses. With an excellent record and many milestones covered, we endeavor to continue our quest for excellent with continuous efforts and improvements in all diverse fields for women’s empowerment, a forum for women entrepreneurs to grow professionally through networking and business opportunities.

With the advent of loads of opportunities, women entrepreneurs have to be ready to take-on multifarious responsibilities and challenges ahead. It is our sheer determination, focus, confidence and knowledge put together that can reap results, which will ultimately benefit our families and children.